Selec XC410B


XC410B features a LED display with a 6-digit configuration and accepts inputs ranging from 5 to 30V DC. Compatible with various devices like proximity switches, encoders, and limit switches, it can count up to 999999 counts. Its compact size and memory retention capabilities make it versatile for different applications. It counts upwards and supports input speeds of 0 to 20Hz and 0 to 5kHz. The device is compatible with NPN, PNP potential-free contacts as sensor types and operates on a 12V DC sensor supply at 60mA. With a supply voltage range of 90-270V AC/DC, it measures 36 x 72mm, designed for panel mounting.

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Display Type LED
Display Configuration 6 Digits
Input 5 to 30V DC from Proximity switches, Encoders, Potential free contacts, Limit switches etc
Range 999999 Counts
Features Memory Retention, Compact Size
Counting Direction Up
Input Speed a) 0 to 20Hz
b) 0 to 5kHz
Sensor Type NPN, PNP Potential Free Contacts
Sensor Supply 12V DC @60mA
Supply Voltage 90-270V AC/DC
Size 36 x 72mm
Mounting Type Panel Mount

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Weight 1 kg

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